最新消息 有關我們 科室介紹 醫療服務 病人安全與權利 衛教園地 學術活動 社區服務 活動花絮 友好連結 就醫民眾自費項目
  English Information  
English Information   2015/08/25
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Admission Procedure

1.Outpatient department (OPD)
2.Hospital admission certificate from physician
3.Proceed with hospital admission procedure at registration.
4.Please show the National Health Insurance IC Card, ID card and also sign the consent form.
5.OPD nurse will take the patients to the nursing station of the ward.

Hospital Expenses

1.The ward expenses will be calculated from the first day of hospitalization.
2.According to the regulations of the National Health Insurance Bureau, the patients with National Health Insurance are only permitted to the ward with Insurance payment.
3.Without IC Cards for Severe Illness, patients are response to pay the co-payment with the percentage as shown in the following payment:

Days in the hospital Co-payment
1-30 days 5%
31-90 days 10%
91-180 days 20%
180 days 30%

4.The medicines that are not covered in National Health Insurance shall be borne by the patients.
5.The receipt of the hospital can be used for itemized deduction when filing the tax return. Please keep it carefully. Also, please check your name and the expense.


Discharge Procedure

1.Discharge order from the Physician.
2.(1) To apply for Certificate of Diagnosis.
   (2) To have the Certificate of Discharge.
3.Settlements of account are in the Registration. After payment, the patient may have their NHI IC card, IC Cards for Severe Illness and medical certificate with Certificate of Discharge.
4.With physician’s order to pharmacy having home medicines.
5.Safe travel back home.


Information Call


最新消息有關我們科室介紹 醫療服務學術活動病人安全及權益衛教園地 友好連結 社區服務活動花絮 來院交通 院長信箱員工專區
財團法人台灣省私立台南仁愛之家附設仁馨醫院 電話:(06)590-2336 / 傳真 : (06)590-3356 / 聯絡地址:712 台南市新化區中山路20號 / 聯絡信箱:thop60@mail.thop.org.tw
私立台南仁愛之家附設仁馨醫院版權所有 All Rights Reserved. / Designed by 易透網科技 ETAN